Sustainable growth in western Newcastle

This aptly named project located in Fletcher on the western edge of Newcastle has natural bushland corridors and sustainable landscaping and streetscapes to support sustainable living and encourage a sense of community pride.

Being in such a new area we worked with Newcastle Council to provide regional community facilities including a major sporting complex, new parks and a Community Centre. Extensive pedestrian and bicycle pathways further connect the community and help residents and visitors make the most of the community facilities and embellished parklands.

Developed from 2005, our community welcome program and relationship with Awabakal Local Aboriginal Council created new connections to support this friendly and connected community.

Facts at a glance


Sanctuary is in the suburb of Fletcher and located in Newcastle’s western growth corridor, in the Hunter region of NSW.


We masterplanned the 128ha residential community and developed the first 17 stages. Sanctuary includes over 40ha of open space and some 850 homes including medium density housing for 45 homes.

Landcom sold the final stages to a developer through public tender in 2017.


We acted as masterplanner and developer. The project's end value was $340m in 2015


Site acquisition

Revised master plan

Playing fields and courts completed

Public art completed

Community Centre completed

Project sold to developer for completion

Project highlights


To create a green sustainable residential community with high quality amenity and facilities, in Newcastle’s western growth corridor.

Landcom 45 Sanctuary Vision

Creating a place for people

Sanctuary is a green and inviting community with water sensitive urban design features, bushfire mitigation measures, indigenous cultural heritage areas and extensive community facilities.

People really feel part of the community at Sanctuary where they can enjoy the community parks, playgrounds, playing fields and reserves. Public art creates a sense of place while walkways and cycleways connect to shops and services.

Landcom 45 Sanctuary Places for people

Integrating Environmental Sustainability

We applied design guidelines to deliver quality streetscapes at Sanctuary.  Over 10 km of pedestrian and bike paths help encourage use of the open spaces, community interaction and healthy living.

Recycled water irrigates the playing fields. Other environmental sustainability features include retention of bushland areas and heritage conservation areas, and noxious weed removal over 44ha to support the local ecosystem.

We also gifted wetlands within the project to the Hunter River Catchment Authority.

Landcom 45 Sanctuary sustainability

Creating place through heritage and community development

At Sanctuary we pioneered a community development program with welcome initiatives, extensive public art program, and mentoring and relationship building with the Awabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council, all supported by our dedicated community ambassador.

Sanctuary also uniquely features public art installations that relate to the green vision for this sustainable community.

Landcom 45 Sanctuary Heritage

About Landcom

We develop land and property, increasing the supply of housing for the people of NSW.

As a state-owned corporation, we are a commercial business that achieves public outcomes while also generating financial returns for the NSW Government. We enable development by de-risking and unlocking strategic and complex sites in collaboration with landowners and the market.

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