Macarthur Heights FAQs

December 2024 update

Lake Thomson opened in August with a well-attended community event.
In response to community feedback, we have organised for Council signs to be installed with guidelines for park users. Signage will be installed soon.
The signage sets out rules of use for Lake Thomson including: No Camping, No Motorised Vehicles, No Throwing Stones, No Littering, No Golf, No Dogs Off Leash, No Alcohol, No Smoking, No Fishing, No Boating.
In response to community feedback the leaking water bubbler was investigated, and the water unit will need to be replaced. Landcom is working on installing a replacement as soon as possible.

Landcom transfers maintenance responsibilities to Council when each stage of the development is complete. Currently, Mainridge Park and Claremont Park have been completed and handed over to Council for ongoing maintenance. Landcom is in the process of handing over Lake Thomson to Council. Landcom is still delivering the Sports fields Precinct, an amenities building and the bushland regeneration areas. These area's as shown in the map below remain Landcom's responsibility to maintain these areas, as well as some verges throughout Macarthur Heights. We will progressively hand these over to Council as they are completed. 

The contractor who delivered Lake Thomson will continue to maintain the area for 12 months from when the park was completed, at which point Council will take over the maintenance.
Please report any maintenance issues at Lake Thomson to the protect team via

Works to create walking trails and habitat areas are progressing well and are due to be open in early 2025.

We are working with Sydney Trains and Transport for NSW to confirm their technical requirements so we can finalise a development application to deliver part of the regional trail that will connect to the nearby botanic gardens. Works to create the pathway will be straightforward once approvals are in place.

The sports fields precinct includes two playing fields suitable for different sports and a new sports amenities building. Council approval is expected by the end of the year with works scheduled to start in early 2025 and the sports fields open in 2026.
Construction of the amenities building cannot start until the sports fields works are nearly finished. Works are expected to start in 2026 and will continue for approximately 18 months. The building is anticipated to be open for community use in 2028, subject to approvals

Landcom will liaise with Western Sydney University to enquire about community access to university sports fields.

The amenities building will include the following (subject to approvals and budget constraints):
• carpark with 80 spaces (with accessible parking)
• kick-about lawn
• Landscape and native planting
• multi-use courts
• picnic areas
• seating
• all abilities playground
• connection pathways and tracks
• stair access to the oval
• meeting room
• store rooms
• canteen
• toilet facilities
• team change rooms
• umpire/referee change rooms.

Several years ago, Council indicated the site may be suitable for an elite sports facility as a sporting centre of excellence. This facility would not have been open to the public and the community would not have been able to access it.
In 2023, Council decided that an alternative site was better suited to the sports centre of excellence and as a result Landcom have prepared designs for the sports amenities building.

The amenities building meeting room will be approximately 40m2 . Subject to Council’s terms, it will be suitable for a range of activities such as community meetings, exercise classes, club presentation events and children’s birthday parties. The building will be handed over to Council who will manage the meeting room usage.
The building design provides internal access between the canteen and the meeting room so it can be used for community events held in the room.

No. Council has reviewed options for the amenities building and considered community needs. The council has confirmed the requirements that Landcom need to deliver. Landcom must deliver the building to comply with Council requirements and budget constraints. Landcom cannot amend the design and deliver more than approved.
Within the existing site constraints, Landcom can provide a spill-out green space suitable for future marquees to address community need with an indoor/outdoor space linked to the meeting room.

The amenities building will cost $6.8m to deliver. Landcom in partnership with Western Sydney University is contributing $5.8m and Council is contributing $1m. In addition, Landcom and Western Sydney University are funding delivery of the sports fields with a further $15.3m.

Originally, Landcom and Western Sydney University were obligated to deliver the sports field precinct with a basic amenities block. This requirement was superseded by Council's decision to construct a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in this location, to which the Project contributed a monetary amount.
In 2023 Council determined to construct the CoE outside of Macarthur Heights, following which Council confirmed requirements for the current Amenities Building, along with a contribution of $1m towards its delivery in accordance with these requirements and return of the $1.8m contributed towards the CoE.
Subsequently, the project is providing a total of $5.8m to deliver the building; three times more than the original obligation.

Developers contribute to local infrastructure provision by paying money to public authorities like councils, providing land or constructing infrastructure on behalf of public authorities.
The Voluntary Planning Agreement for the approved Macarthur Gardens North project requires Landcom to offset $17m in developer contributions. Landcom have already committed to deliver $27m in local public benefit infrastructure for new and existing residents. This contribution is significantly above the agreed contribution and demonstrates Landcom’s commitment to delivering great communities supported by infrastructure and amenities.

Council has confirmed requirements for the amenities building. Landcom is preparing a Review of Environmental factors to assess the proposal under Division 5.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. This planning pathway will help to expedite the approval process to deliver the sports amenities building as quickly as possible.
While Landcom is assessing the physical design and construction of the building, the design specifications have been set by Council and Landcom must meet Council’s requirements for the facility to be handed over to Council to own and manage.

The amenities building will be handed over to Council who will own the facility and manage bookings.

Landcom is responsible for maintaining the areas identified in the map below showing the land management plan. All other areas not marked on the map are under Council's maintenance.
Landcom transfers maintenance responsibilities to Council when each stage of the development is complete. Currently, Mainridge Park and Claremont Park have been completed and handed over to Council for ongoing maintenance. Lake Thomson is being handed over to Council. Landcom is still delivering, the Sports fields Precinct which includes an amenities building, and the bushland regeneration areas. For these areas, Landcom remains responsible for the maintenance and verges throughout Macarthur Heights. We will progressively hand these remaining areas over to Council as they are completed.

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